How to Use lo and behold in a Sentence
lo and behold
And lo and behold, AT2018hyz was lighting up the skies again.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 13 Oct. 2022
And lo and behold, makes it to the plane with her vest no questions asked.
—Stacey Leasca, Travel + Leisure, 25 Aug. 2023
Keith showed us how to set bent-nail hooks, and the next day lo and behold!
—Seth Kantner, Anchorage Daily News, 29 Apr. 2023
And lo and behold, the team were already thinking about this.
—Alex Ritman, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Feb. 2023
And then lo and behold, David E. Kelley had been sent the same stories.
—Tyler Coates, The Hollywood Reporter, 13 June 2023
And then, lo and behold, one day Netflix got in touch to ask about this exact idea.
—Andrew Webster, The Verge, 30 Mar. 2023
But lo and behold, the breeder had a 4-year-old girl available for adoption.
—Joann Schaffer, cleveland, 13 Oct. 2022
But lo and behold, at the bus stop, Lopez spots a beautiful hummingbird in the rain.
—Anne Branigin, Washington Post, 16 Feb. 2024
And then Harry — lo and behold — walks through his own apartment door.
—Zing Tsjeng, Vulture, 28 Feb. 2024
But lo and behold, here came Mickelson to restore a bit of LIV pride.
—Paul Newberry, Chicago Tribune, 10 Apr. 2023
Her husband went to check in on the status of the search at the police station and lo and behold, there was Bernie, nestled in the police chief's arms.
—Marisa Sullivan, Peoplemag, 12 July 2023
And lo and behold, new life was breathed into Allende, the visionary prophet of a new order.
—Ariel Dorfman, The New York Review of Books, 31 Aug. 2023
Shiv fields a call from her doctor, Sharon, and lo and behold: All that talk of eggs between Tom and Shiv in season 3 was not for nothing.
—Lauren Puckett-Pope, ELLE, 17 Apr. 2023
But, lo and behold, the new group more than held its own and housed several would-be collegiate players.
—Shane Hoffmann | , oregonlive, 14 Sep. 2023
And, lo and behold, if the Vikings aren’t an 8-1 team that has the populace of that frozen northern land giddy about that elusive first Super Bowl win.
—Dallas News, 18 Nov. 2022
But, lo and behold, the Jackson impulse ended up sweeping all before it.
—Rich Lowry, National Review, 3 Feb. 2023
And lo and behold, in the midst of our current political firestorm, witches are having a comeback.
—Anne Cohen,, 24 Oct. 2022
If one tires of the finger-pointing and flips to another channel, lo and behold, there is shameless crowing!
—Kevin A. Hassett, National Review, 22 Dec. 2022
So the door opens up for Damian when Bruce gets tricked into going to Nova Scotia, and then, lo and behold, these two criminals break in and crime is back.
—Abbey White, The Hollywood Reporter, 25 Dec. 2023
And lo and behold, here are five incredible price drops on quality hardware, just for you.
—K. Thor Jensen, PCMAG, 19 July 2024
As for Milkman, after 365 practice days, lo and behold, becoming bilingual is at last on the horizon for her.
—Aneesh Rai, Scientific American, 29 Jan. 2024
After a dozen years of using blue and white as their official uniform colors, the Penguins abruptly chose in January 1980 to adopt, lo and behold, black and gold as their trademark colors.
—Kevin Paul Dupont,, 1 Jan. 2023
Being an insistently curious person, Curtis inquired about the rights and, lo and behold, Cornwell owned them, and entrusted her longtime friend to do the project right.
—Karen Heller, Washington Post, 28 Feb. 2023
So, suddenly Coronado had gone to all this work to become completely White and, lo and behold, here comes this federal housing project.
—Lisa Deaderick, San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 May 2024
Over the same 8-bar instrumental, each rapper first freestyled, then performed pre-written verses, and lo and behold, during the freestyles, certain brain regions not typically known to interact were observed working in tandem.
—Jonathan Rowe, Spin, 19 Sep. 2023
And lo and behold, something else happened: Joe Biden’s political judgment—not accorded much respect before the election, given his underwater approval numbers—was vindicated.
—Michael Tomasky, The New Republic, 21 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'lo and behold.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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